Mymaintenance app (M-Inspect)


myMaintenance app is a digital solution designed to improve plant performance by supporting continuous inspection in real time connection to the maintenance system. It allows the business to track equipment conditions and improve maintenance planning.


This contactless solution allows businesses to manage maintenance and production inspections in a cement plant providing the following functionalities: 


  • Navigate through the plant technical structure accessing the related documentation; directly create notifications when a defect is detected and direct access to create or list notifications.
  • myMaintenance app offers on-line and off-line connections, synchronization with the documentation repository and contactless option through RFC , Barcode and QR Code reading.
  • It’s a solution that “saves time and contributes to continuously improving the performance indicators at our site,” according to Mohammad Toum Benchekroun, plant maintenance manager at Meknes.

Take a look at this quick video and learn about the solution!