Daniel Cano, Cloud Native Engineer & Transformation Manager at Holcim EMEA Digital Center shares with us what Composable Architecture is and how it is working in our organization.
Composable architecture
"Imagine an environment in which every component is pluggable, scalable, replaceable and can be continuously improved through agile development to meet evolving business requirements; that is Composable Architecture.
This composable approach is a consequence of deploying MACH enterprise applications, where "MACH" stands for Microservices based, API-first, Cloud-Native SaaS and Headless. But this is no new in IT, it is just a modern evolution of service-oriented architectures (SOAs) and layered architectures, which were used to build in the past: data layer and business logic managed by digital platforms and user presentation layer.
This Composable Architecture was introduced at Holcim with the Mini Business Services Engines, the Holcim version of IT microservices that look for individual pieces of business functionality, independently developed, deployed and managed. Data-connected backbone with an integration layer based on Mulesoft and Publish/Subscribe mechanisms to provide real-time data to front-end applications that are hosted in the Cloud, using serverless or managed services that provide elastic scaling and automatic updating.
The result of this architecture is exponential. You start building for one business scenario and the result can grow to cover various scenarios just by changing the frontend and backend logic, in which the development takes some weeks. Each component is a Lego piece that can be used to build other business scenarios. Cloud services help make these pieces easy to maintain and operate, and automation is the glue that holds all pieces together.
The new ZONDA and ROOTs environments are using these principles and can quickly and easily adapt to changing business demand".